Sunday, September 9, 2007


Every time you think of power, what do you think? Do you think big coporate CEOs rolling around in cash? Or maybe even a some made dictator that can end the world with one press of a button. Or maybe, just maybe you think about superheroes, whizzing around the world to save everyone from their troubles. No matter how much we can dream some big strong figure will zoom down from heaven and save us it won't happen. When ever someone kills, or cheats, or abuses someone else, we ask so where is that God of yours now? That is the most pig-headed, idiotic question that has ever been conceived. I believe we have far greater power then anyone can think of. Even though it may not be ice-powers, or walk through walls I believe we have power to do something far greater. We have the power to get over ourselves and help others. Now imagine that, a simple little thing, how can that even be considered a power? Surely I must be over myself, I mean I am somewhat religious, I have a family, I can keep a roof over my head, unlike some people. <----- Did you just hear that? The only way things are ever going to get better, for anyone and anything is if we think everyone one is higher then us, that our soul duty in life is to help people, not tear them down. If you truly believe this you will have accomplished more then I guess most people will ever have. But see, thats what we must do as well, we must show them that life isn't all about feeling powerful, its about being powerful. I've asked more then one person, "What is the point of living, if we can't change things?" You know what they say, stuff like "reproduce", "make a living", "get a good retirement plan". I mean, am I crazy or does this life seem absolutely pointless?!?!? We are supposed to ignore everything (and by ignore, I mean act like it doesn't affect your well being) and "make a living"? If thats what living really is, then count me out. I only have one life and I'm not going to feel powerful, I will be powerful. Anyone care to join me?

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