Saturday, June 30, 2007

Eternity explained

Now I don't know if anyone can really grasp the idea of eternity, however this is my best guess:

I have read Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach and I am very much a fan of his writing. In his writing he has usually one large point to his writing with many other sidepoints and I think his side points are even more valuable than his main point. Anyway, in the story he explains that the only thing seperating you and me this very moment is three things:
Let me explain a little more throughly. You are in one place reading this or perhaps your even moving. (This is the Space part.)
You are now in a frame of time which is unkown to me. (This is the time part.) Confusing? Now even though we are in two seperate locations and times can't we still think about each other and be united in thought and surpass Time and Space. I guarentee you I'm thinking of you while I'm writing this and even though I may not know who "you" are I still know your thinking of me while reading this. All we have to do is turn here and now and there and then to HERE and NOW. If this theory is true then can't we think of anyone we know and be united to them no matter where or when we are and if that's the case didn't we surpass Time and Space.
Now the third part that seprates us from HERE and NOW is one thing: you. If you do not believe in this theory it doesn't exist, because in your state of mind we can't be together through abstract thought. Now how does this explain in Eternity? I for one believe in God, even though I'm not tottally sure what the Creator is like I do know that he must be spirtual to create a physical world, because nothing physical can create itself and as such our Creator must be outside our restrictions of Time and Space. So what if the Creator looks at all his creation not in pieces, or some time line, but HERE and NOW.

Note: It's ok if you don't like the way I think, just tell me what you think. Please no hate mail. I don't take kindly to threats.


alex42099 said...

i like the way your brain works. questining normallity and barriers. questining reality. trying to expand your reality. which is all you really have. your reality is probrobly complety diffrent from mine. but as long as your cool with it and it makes sence to you, man, screw me and what i think. intrested in reading more later keep questining and expanding Alex Hoeniges Meridian MS

Unknown said...

One thing that has often played on my mind around eternity is, and I can't see how this is not a fact, anything that is possible, no matter how remote the chance of it happening is, it will not only happen but it will happen an infinite amount of times. If the odds of possibility A happening is one hundred billion trillion to one and the odds of possibility B is one hundred to one, both will happen an infinite amount off times, just Possibility B will happen a billion trillion times more frequently.
As for time, it can't be real. How can you measure something that has no beginning or end. We measure everything in relation to the big bang (which of course is all we can do) but it completely ignores the elephant in the room, eternity.